4 Subtle Signs A Woman Is Not That Into You

#2: How she finally accepts

Josh Perkins
3 min readJul 17, 2024
Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Not every love is reciprocated.

I mean, the very fact that you have a strong feeling for someone doesn’t mean they will reciprocate that level of chemistry for you in return. Sometimes they won’t and that is totally normal.

You don’t have to always fight.

It is good to fight but not for a woman who clearly doesn’t feel something for you. That in my opinion is a waste of fight. Because in the end, you will hurt yourself.

Learning to pick the signs early will help you. First, you won’t need to so much, if at all, invest in an impossible relationship; second, you will be whole for the person who will eventually reciprocate your love and affection.

Here are a few of them:

1. It starts from when you start getting acquainted

Everything starts from the very beginning, unfortunately, some guys just dismiss the signs thinking they are normal.

Trust me, how a lady responds to your request to be friends with her speaks volumes of how much she feels for you now and to an extent in the future. There are two behaviors that you should never overlook: disdain and the “ Oh no, I don’t see you as a romantic partner but a brother and friend.”

While the first means that she is completely out of your league, the second means that she is not sexually attracted to you. In those situations, don’t forge ahead. Take things slowly.

Next is,

2. How she finally accepts

She… does… with… a lot of…hesitancy. You had to beg, bring a friend over to campaign for you, and solicit the assistance of her friends to convince her to just give you a yes.

Here’s the truth: if it is meant to be, you won’t need more than yourself to get it. You won’t need to beg and all the campaign just to get a yes. It will naturally flow out from her. It doesn’t mean she is cheap, it just means she has something for you even if it is your first moment together.

3. You’re the only player on the pitch

You are the one doing the loving, looking out for her interests, buying the gifts, writing the morning love messages, and doing the calling. And down to when you have issues, you are the one who apologizes, else, the relationship is left to get stuck in that mud… forever.

Don’t be deceived, if the love is mutual, you and your partner will make a conscious and tangible effort to keep the relationship afloat. If that is not the case, hold back a little because you might be on the wrong person for that journey.

4. When you try to make the relationship public

Although it helps to keep your love life from social media, it is different when a woman warns you not to make the relationship public. “ Please don’t tell people we are dating; “Please, don’t post me on social media”, and this without a tangible reason.

Another is when she doesn’t want to identify with you in public. Like she looks for every excuse not to show up with you in public.

You don’t need a prophet to tell you that she is not proud of being in your life.

You deserve more

If you ask me, you’re too good and lovable to stay in that kind of relationship. Take a moment to settle things with your emotions. Convince your emotions that she was the wrong person for you and so there is no need to keep on that journey.

And trust me, you will be glad you halted the journey. If they come back and want the relationship, fine. If they don’t, fine. Life is too short to live with someone who doesn’t want to be in your life.

Thanks for your time.



Josh Perkins

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