7 Very Uncomfortable Truths You Should Know About Life

#6. A set of white teeth does not indicate a pure heart.

Josh Perkins
5 min readJul 9, 2024
HiPhoto by JD Mason on Unsplash

Life is a mix.

It is filled with a lot of good and bad stuff. Dangers and safety coexist. And so you hardly can avoid them. I can assure you one thing: you will experience them both. Both good and evil will come your way.

The aim is to expect them and not complain when they happen: good and evil. My advice is to be open to both and see what you can make of them. Do anything but complain.

Complaining is the worst response to the experiences life will send your way. It makes you worse and teaches you nothing.

As you know,

Life is a school.

Every experience is a lesson.

And learning is the goal.

Shall we?


Let’s go!

1. That it worked for others doesn’t mean it will for you

We all have different destinies. And every destiny has its unique magical powers.

  • What mine brings to pass yours might not. The business that brought me fortune might not bring you a fortune; the very principles that bring Tim Dennigs millions of views might bring you just a hundred; the very niche that brings someone huge engagement and fan loyalty might not do the same for you.

Do you know why?

The uniqueness of our journeys and destinations in life.

We might all be on the same road, but trust me, we are heading to different destinations. It doesn’t work for you, it probably wasn’t meant to. Either let it be or let it go.

2. You won’t always win

Life is a school.

The objective is that through her experiences you grow, expand your soul, enrich your existence, and savor life to the fullest. Since that is the case, it is impossible to reach that height if you only have success happen to you.

So prepare to have some failed attempts. Even in areas you’ve had the most success. There are unique virtues that it is only by failing they get integrated into our nature.

You don’t want to miss them.

3. People only enjoy the sound of their victories

There’s a certain couple that had one of the best weddings and had a set of twins just one year later.

Two years down the line, they lost those babies. Till now, they are yet to have another.

What happened?

They kept posting these babies on their Whatsapp status, Instagram story and Facebook page:

  • My cute babies want to eat breakfast”; “ My most adorable are on their way to see grandma in LA”; “See how cute Eliana looks when she sleeps”…

Advice: keep your success to yourself. The wickedness of men is more real than you think. Most people are not happy, trumpeting your success only makes them feel worse and angrier.

And if they can do anything to turn your life upside down, they will. So take caution.

4. Not everyone will like you

Your kindness won’t change that a bit. They don’t just like you. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

So don’t try to impress anyone going the extra mile for them. Be fair to everyone.

But once you’ve done your best and they are not satisfied, don’t do more. They won’t still be satisfied. It is just life and your part is to accept it just as it is.

A certain supervisor canceled my project work and asked me to start all over again; the same man accepted a similar work from my coursemate.

It is what it is.

Just accept it and move on.

5. The Four Birds story

I was in the library that fateful day.

While one, two, three, four birds flew in.
Above me was a ceiling fan at high speed.

The birds were having fun flying from one edge of the room to the other, chirping.

Suddenly, it happened:

The blade struck one of the birds.
She dropped just close to me. Stretched. Tried to get up but couldn’t. The edge of the blade hit her so hard on the head.

A drop of blood touched the floors.

She died.

Upon hearing the sound of the impact and the event that followed the three other birds immediately took cover at one of the shelves. After a few minutes, they started flying all over again. Soon after they flew away to a tree in the compound.

The sad truth?

Life continues no matter what happens to you.

If you die today, life continues. People will still go to their offices. Your friends will still eat their breakfasts. Your lecturer will still go to class. The sun will still shine.

So take care of yourself. Live life on your terms. Enjoy it as much as you can. In the end, whatever happens to you, life continues.

6. A set of white teeth does not indicate a pure heart

She had no parents.

The mother died in January 2010.

Being the first of four and the only girl among four boys, she dropped out of school and started hustling.

During that period, she met a man who offered to help. He sponsored her through school. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

They fell in love, and the man engaged her.

Life was beautiful.

She was living her dreams.

Then it happened.

It was her birthday.

She invited her friends over.

It was an enormous party in her finance’s house. Just later that night after the party, she started feeling unwell. By the next morning, the condition worsened. She started vomiting.

Her man rushed her to the emergency unit of a specialist hospital. And that was it.

She was poisoned.

“But it was a party of friends”, you may wonder.

But I’m not surprised. It is one of the sad truths of life.

A set of white teeth does not indicate a pure heart.

Be careful.

Even among friends, there are enemies


7 Nobody stays forever.

Everyone has a role in your life and when their role ends, they will leave. So be strong.

8 Soon you will be 70

Life will be so different then than in your 20s and 30s. You may not be able to drive yourself, drink Coca-Cola freely, enjoy sex like you used to, hit the gym, go to parties… your strength will decline, and your sight will dim. And you will be depending on someone else for most things.

Take care of the people around you.

They are the ones you will depend on in your 70s.

Final thoughts

The world is not how many people think it is. And you can’t afford to live in the dark like many others.

Chances are you were ignorant about them before now. If you already knew them, l am glad they served as a reminder.

Have a lovely day, today.




Josh Perkins

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